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  • Where can I buy tickets for the Isuzu Mud Run?
    You can buy tickets online via Quicket.
  • Can I upgrade my ticket at the gate?
    Unfortunately not. Please make sure that you buy the correct ticket. If you change your mind and want to run the full 5km race, you will have to buy a new race ticket at full value.
  • How do I register?
    Registration is easy, all you have to do is purchase a race ticket, either team or individual, tickets are now available on Quicket . Once you’ve got your ticket come to the R&G Arena at least 1 hour before your race time to register. Please make sure you print out and sign the Disclaimer - - to avoid delays. Minimum age for the 5km race is 16+ and any runners under 18 must have parental consent.
  • What to wear?
    We suggest wearing normal running shoes. Spikes or boots are strictly prohibited. Dress in comfortable running attire (or in a striking costume and you might win a best dressed prize) and bring a change of clothes for when you are done with your race. We will have showers and changing rooms for you to get changed after the race.
  • What time are the races?
    Gates open at 7:30 am so you can come as early as that. Please go to the Race Info tab to see what time races start -
  • What to bring?
    Valid ID if you're under 18 years and want to run the main race. Your Race Ticket. We advise buying race tickets in advance to avoid disappointment. Disclaimer Form - if you have already printed and signed from the website to save time at vour registration. Cash/Card/Mobile Money - there will be plenty of food and drinks available for purchase. Change of clothes - you will get wet and dirty! We will provide cold showers and changing rooms for vou to change after the race.
  • Can I bring a cooler box?
    No. There will be cold refreshments from a fully stocked bar and cool boxes will not be necessary.
  • What time should I arrive?
    This depends on which race category you wish to participate in! We recommend a minimum of 1hr 30minutes before, but ideally as much as 2 hours, in case there are any delays to ensure you can get registered in time. Gates open for registration from 07:30hrs. 09:30hrs - The Open Race - Timed: for serious competitive individual runners that want to try and win a fastest runner prize. 11:30hrs - The Open Race - Social: for individual runners doing the race for fun and for personal enjoyment (suffering). 13:30hrs - The Team Race - All teams whether competitive or social. 15:30hrs - The Team Race - Social : 17:30hrs - Prize Giving. The Family Obstacle Race will be running from 10:00hrs until 16:30hrs at set times throughout that period.
  • Where can i find race photographs?
    Official media images will be uploaded on the R&G Events Facebook page ( Some photos will be uploaded during the day and then all photos uploaded post event.
  • What happens if I can't complete an obstacle?
    If runners are doing a social race they will be permitted to walk past. However, a competitive runner will be disqualified from prizes and will be required to do 10 burpees at any obstacle they can't complete.
  • Can I bring my own gazebo?
    No. Only runners under a corporate package are permitted to bring a gazebo.
  • Safety and Security
    There will be security guards in and around the parking area for general security and safety. Please note that vehicles are left at owner's risk, and we recommend that you leave all valuables at home and do not leave them in your cars. If you are bringing changes of clothes or personal belongings with you, please ask a friend to hold on to them while you do the race. Any personal belongings left within the arena grounds are at the owner's own risk.
  • How many people are in a team?
    There must be 4 people per team if they wish to be eligible for prizes. And all 4 runners must finish at the same time. Teams can be made up of 4 people of the same sex (4 male or 4 female) or a mixed team or 2 male and 2 female.
  • How do I win the Best Dressed Prize?
    A team from R&G and Isuzu will come up with a shortlist of the most fun dressed runners and decide before 17:30hrs who our favourites are. Important note: To qualify for the Best Dressed Prize the runner/s must start AND complete the race in their outfit. A runner that does not complete the race in the same outfit will not be eligible for the Best Dressed Prize.
  • What is the minimum age to participate in the 5km Mud Run?
    To participate in the 5km main race the participant must be a minimum of 16+ at the time of the event. A participant below 18 years old must have their disclaimer signed by a parent/guardian.
  • What is the minimum age to participate in the mini family race?
    The family race is PG (Parental Guidance), meaning the parent/guardian will run with the child and will determine if they are able to run the mini family race or not.
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